[CASE] BMW Berlin Marathon

PROM’ES was present at the Berlin Marathon. Bart participated in the marathon and won our own designed and delivered medal. Harmen and Paul have visited the marathon expo and PROM’ES also took control over the timing clocks.

Bart finished the Berlin Marathon!

As you may have read before our colleague Bart was busy training for the Berlin Marathon. Finally, the day arrived! Bart was standing at the start last Sunday. How did he experience the marathon?  

It has been two days since the marathon, how is the pain in your muscles?

Bart: “I still can walk, but the pain quite exists. My upper legs are very sensitive since last Sunday. Particularly getting up and starting up is still a bit difficult.” Running the marathon was heavier than expected and a bit disappointing. “We had a lot of rain after ten kilometers, which made it even harder.

But you’ve finished it! What was your time?

Bart: “Exactly three hours and 48 minutes! And I am satisfied with that, because I really couldn’t get more out of it. 3,5 hours was my target, but I soon realized I wasn’t going to make that, so I changed my target to 3 hours and 45 minutes. I got very hungry at some point, so I ate 1,5 banana and some special gels. It became very hard after 20/21 miles and the final meters I ran with much soured thighs.

And you received a well-known medal after the finish…

Bart: “Yes I did! The medal is completely Berlin-styled. The ribbon of the silver-antique medal is in the same colors as the German flag and the medal itself shows all the different buildings you walk by during the marathon. There is some space to engrave the medal underneath the SSC Berlin logo. The back of the medal is in honor of Lutz Derkow. He was a technical director of the organization, which suddenly passed away last year. Beside the ‘normal’ marathon medal, we have also been able to design an extra medal for the millionth finisher.
“It makes it even more special to earn a medal of which I experienced and saw the whole process at work.”

Would you ever like to run a marathon again?

Bart: “Maybe, I can’t decide it yet, but at least I’m happy I’ve finished this one. I would definitely pick a marathon in the Netherlands if I decide to run another marathon, so my family, friends and other people can watch me there.” Would you prepare yourself differently than you did this time? “No, I wouldn’t. I prepared well and spent lots of time for training. Maybe I would use a walk trainer next time to practice more with running within a specific time.

Your tip to all people who want to run a marathon...

Bart: “At least make sure you’ve practiced enough with long-distance runs. During the marathon, you have to make sure that you divide your speed and please do not start too fast. The end is getting harder and harder.”

Harmen and Paul are visiting the Berlin Marathon Expo

Besides Bart our other colleagues Harmen and Paul were also near the marathon. They were visiting the expo of the Berlin Marathon. At this place, the marathon participants can pick up their race number and buy the newest running gadgets. Harmen: “The vibe was great! We both enjoyed meeting our relationships, new people, timers and other suppliers and discussing market developments.” “And of course I encouraged my colleague Bart during his marathon. During that, a new world record has almost been set and I have seen the millionth finisher, the Canadian Ali Crandall, crossing the finish line. It was a nice experience!

“The people are so excited! It is special to see how happy and proud they are with their medals.
At that point you remember what you are doing it for.”

Timing clocks with on-site assistance

A couple of our colleagues were on-site to assist with the timing clocks so the organization did not need to look after it. Our main company PROM’ES rents these timing clocks. Interested in timing clocks for your event? Feel free to contact us for a customized quote.


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